MIDI-GPT: Natural language powered MIDI file generation tool using GPT-3.5-turbo.

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Screenshot of MIDI-GPT from https://replit.com/@somewheresy/MIDI-GPT


MIDI-GPT is a powerful tool designed for music enthusiasts and professionals alike. This innovative product is a MIDI-GPT Fork Repl37 that utilizes GPT-3.5-turbo and few-shot prompting to generate MIDI files from natural language. The software features a calculate() function that leverages NumPy to output the mean, variance, standard deviation, max, min, and sum of the rows, columns, and elements in a 3×3 matrix. Additionally, MIDI-GPT includes a creative project that uses a for loop to display all numbers from 1-100 except for one, prompting the user to input the missing number to exit the loop. The MIDI export titling has been updated to set the MIDI filename to track_name. With its advanced functionality and ease of use, MIDI-GPT is an essential tool for anyone looking to create high-quality MIDI files quickly and efficiently.

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