
Unleash your writing potential with writeGPT - the Chrome extension for GPT3.5 capabilities and prompt guides on any website.

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Introducing writeGPT, the Google Chrome Extension that brings GPT3.5 capabilities to any website. This innovative tool allows users to easily create content, reply to emails, summarize articles, learn and review code, and translate content with just a few clicks. With a hot-key command to activate the extension, users can quickly access its features and customize the prompts to generate the best output. The current business model offers limited credits for free, but will soon transition to a freemium model. Whether you’re a writer, coder, or just looking to streamline your online activities, writeGPT is the perfect solution to enhance your productivity and efficiency. Say goodbye to tedious tasks and hello to a more streamlined online experience with writeGPT. Try it out today and take your online productivity to the next level!

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