MJ Toolkit

Unlock your generative art potential with MJ Toolkit - the perfect Google Chrome extension for Midjourney.

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MJ Toolkit

Introducing MJ Toolkit – the ultimate browser extension designed exclusively for Midjourney users. This powerful tool unlocks the full potential of your generation by eliminating the frustrating glitches and clunky interface of Discord. With MJ Toolkit, you can say goodbye to the tedious task of copying and pasting complex prompts just to make minor tweaks. No more typing “/imagine” repeatedly only to realize that you’ve missed a parameter at the end. Simply press Ctrl+Enter to type your prompt, and then confirm with Enter. The extension even brings you back to where you were in the text box, allowing you to experiment with different versions of your prompt without losing your focus. MJ Toolkit is the perfect solution for anyone looking to streamline their Midjourney experience and take their generative art to the next level. Try it today and unlock your creativity!

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