Image Mixer

Blend multiple images together to create a unique masterpiece with Image Mixer.

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Image Mixer

Image Mixer is an innovative generative art tool that allows users to blend multiple images together to create a new and unique image. This tool utilizes a Stable Diffusion Image Variations model that has been specifically fine-tuned to accept multiple CLIP image embeddings as inputs. With this feature, users can combine the image embeddings from various images, mix their concepts, and even add text concepts for greater variation. The resulting output is a high-quality 640×640 image that can be easily produced either locally or on Lambda GPU Cloud. Whether you’re an artist, designer, or simply someone looking to create something new and exciting, Image Mixer is the perfect tool for you. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, you can unleash your creativity and produce stunning works of art that are truly one-of-a-kind.

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